RECOURS COLLECTIFS : Building Products of Canada Corp.


Diane Fitzsimmons v. La Cie Matériaux de construction BP Canada
Superior Court, district of Montréal, no 500-06-000580-114


All persons who, in Québec, purchased and/or have roofing shingles manufactured by the Respondent, including organic shingles installed at their residential or commercial domicile.


On October 5, 2012, the Québec Superior Court approved the Settlement Agreement reached by the parties.

The Settlement Agreement was also approved by Courts in Ontario and in the United States. The effective date of the Settlement Agreement is January 21, 2013.

The delay for opting-out of the Settlement Agreement has expired.

To receive compensation, you must request and submit a claim form to BP no later than the later of the two following dates: June 30, 2013, that is 150 days after the Effective Date of the settlement (January 21, 2013) or 150 days after the Claimant’s discovery of the need for repairs or replacement and, in any event, no later than the expiry of the applicable warranty period and prior to the removal of the BP Organic Shingles from the home, residence, building or other structure upon which they were installed.

Please note that unless you do not intend to replace your damaged shingles by other BP shingles, the Payment of Repairs Settlement Option is much more advantageous than the Cash Settlement Option.

If you have already filed a claim and disagree with BP’s decision, you can request a review by completing the
Request for Review Form (available on the Settlement website at: http://www.bpshinglesettlement.com/Home.aspx?case=bpcanada&ln=EN). Details regarding the review process and applicable delays are also available on this website.

If you have any questions, please contact us or BP at 1-800-515-3626.


Judgment (French version only)

Settlement Agreement

Notice to Members - Long version

Notice to Members - Short version

Motion to institute a class action (French version only)

